• CACIFEROL (Vitamin D3)


    5000 IU. Maximizes calcium absorption. Maintains endocrine/hormonal balance, blood clotting issues, poor hearing and nearsightedness. Most known for increasing bone formation and will help muscular and nervous systems with the addition of magnesium. Fish liver oil derived. 60 count Suggested Dosage: 1 gelcap every 2-3 days.



    Horsetail Grass, Pau d’arco, Alfalfa, Oatstraw, Dandelion Leaf, Kelp, Gotu Kola, Black Cohosh Calcium-rich plants with supportive minerals for osteoporosis, post menopausal bone density degradation and repairing broken bones with  a focus on silicon; as well as daily assistance for healthy hair and nails. Take with L Cysteine and Vitamin C for hair loss. Consider adding Vitamin D for […]



    A nutritious herbal tea for the bones, hair and nails. Supportive vitamins and minerals for bioavailability and a complete profile of complementary magnesium and super greens. horsetail, alfalfa, dandelion leaf, oatstraw, pau d’arco, rosemary,gotu kola



    Cholesterol and blood pressure lowering and formulated for increasing circulation. Lubricates and cleans arterial plaque and improves vascular elasticity against hardening of the arteries. Can be taken with statins and blood thinners.  hawthorne berry, nettle, eleuthero  root, gotu kola, ginkgo biloba, ginger and peppermint



    Perfect brew to increase circulation. Strong, elastic vessels, clean veins, circulated capillaries. Cholesterol lowering, blood pressure balancing all in a heart healthy tea. nettle, gotu kola, peppermint, hawthorne berries, ginger, tumeric

  • CARNITINE 1000 mg.


    L- Ultra pharmaceutical grade. Utilize body fat for energy and increased performance during daily activities and formal exercise. Excellent fat burner and weight loss amino acid.  Reduces lactic acid and exercise induced nausea. Cardio performance and heart muscle health. Increases vitamin C absorption and protects cells with its powerful antioxidant capabilities. No stimulants. One capsule on […]



    Rehabilitative material for cartilage and tendons while repairing vessels for nutrient supply. Anti-inflammatory agents for swelling, water on the knee, sprains, pain and degenerative discomfort. A specific for edema, gout and very important for repairing from surgery to address pain and drain swelling. white willow bark, cat’s claw, horsetail, gelantinized maca root, rosemary, fenugreek, parsley, […]



    Green Chai that is pepper free. Black pepper when heated can be detrimental to your health. Even if you are not a fan of spices and strong aromatics in your cup, this Chai tea is lighter and breezier on the palate and pairs well with a brioche, croissant or biscuit for a healthy desert combo. […]



    Blue German-Hungary Chamomilla recutita (25%) in apricot kernal seed oil to rest and heal anxiety and address insomnia.  



    A sheer and pretty cherry fragrance, youthful and effervescent with a sweet sophisticate sensibility. Gamine/Dramatic Classic



    Cayenne infused Rosehip Seed Oil that works as a blood mover to increase circulation; Raynaud’s, varicosities, carotid artery, peripheral neuropathies. Excellent  on the hands and feet under socks and gloves in a cold climate or in the sauna to accelerate metabolic processes.  

  • CITRINE *improved


    Treating the air with citrus is a great non-floral option. Perfect after cooking, scenting your shower time & diffusers, the car. Ideal freshening spray for anywhere. lemon, lemongrass, bergamot