500 mg. of B5 for adrenal fatigue, lethargy, muscular and neurological disorders. B5 is also a key player in glucose metabolism.
100 count
500 mg. of B5 for adrenal fatigue, lethargy, muscular and neurological disorders. B5 is also a key player in glucose metabolism.
100 count
500 mg. of B5 for adrenal fatigue, lethargy, muscular and neurological disorders. B5 is also a key player in glucose metabolism.
100 count
green tea powder standardized(50% polyphenols and 12% caffeine),triphala,barberry, chickweed,fenugreek This combination increases the mobilization and utilization of fat for oxidation/fat burning potential. Caffeinated. Utilize carbohydrates quicker, decrease cellular congestion and increase bile secretion. I am happy to create an exact protocol for you describing food lists, items and combinations, lectins, gut health and balance overall based […]
black sambucus elderberry, black cherry, echinacea augustifolia, mullein, slippery elm, licorice root All ages formula for cough, fever, congestion. Expectorates and dries up excessive congestion in one product. Soothes sinus membranes, congestion headaches, sore throat and digestive upset. Naturally occurring melatonin from black cherry juice for rest and repair. Adults 1-2 tsp. Small children 1/4 […]
Digestive bitters and herbs blended for indigestion and pain, nausea, gas and bloating. Assists the liver, pancreas and gallbladder to operate proficiently over time while providing immediate relief. All ages formula; dosage based on body weight. milk thistle, barberry, dandelion root, blue vervain, gentian, peppermint and fennel.
Excellent whole food alternative to ferrous oxide supplementation that can create imbalances and intestinal constipation. A balanced formula to remedy anemia, prolonged antibiotic use or to support vegan lifestyles and the A blood type. nettle, beet root, kelp, dandelion leaf
Cooling formulation for comfort. High humidity, summertime. Night sweats, hot flashes, fever, nausea with flushing, withdrawals, liver heat, alcohol consumption. Organic peppermint, sage, blue vervain, eleuthero root and red raspberry leaf
Increases milk production for nursing mothers. Gentle digestive aid for baby, prevents colic and gas. So gentle and effective. I hope every nursing mother takes these. Organic fennel, alfalfa, fenugreek, nettle
Hyaluronic Acid with L Proline. Two items essential for mobility, strength and repair recovery for the joints and connective tissue. 200 mg. 30 count
An important supplement to clean kidney organs and improve the removal of waste, by-products and acids to drain swollen tissue. For bladder infections, stones, incontinence, cloudy urine, edema and generalized swelling. A safe diuretic including potassium, vitamin C, B6 and calcium. USDA parsley leaf and parsley root, marshmallow root, uva ursi, shavegrass and barberry.